Thursday, April 17, 2008

April 14th, 2008

From the Website

FDRThe Democrat presidential nomination dog and cat fight between Clinton and Obama continues to be a fur ball this week with charges and counter charges flying over Obama’s creepy extraction from Karl Marx’s 1867 communist manifesto Das Kapital [das kapi’ta’l] about religion and the proletariat.

Never before, not even by the so-called American Progressive Party (the political party of Communist Party USA) candidates, has anyone used such an alarming and perhaps elitist equivalence.

Perhaps the last time any major candidate espoused such an ideological notion was the 1948 election when Henry Wallace, who had served as Secretary of Agriculture and Vice-President under Franklin D. Roosevelt. Wallace opposed the Cold War, the Marshall Plan and Big Business. H.L. Mencken and Dorothy Thompson, accused the Progressives of being covertly controlled by Communists. Several leading figures of the Progressive Party (such as socialist leader Norman Thomas) quit the party in protest over what they perceived as the undue influence Communists exerted over Wallace.

It is an eerie coincidence that Wallace, like Obama, fell under the influence of a religious radical. Wallace, who was raised Presbyterian, left the church and became closely associated with the Russian theosophist Nicholas Roerich. According to Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., “Wallace’s search for inner light took him to strange prophets.”

Legend is that J. Edgar Hoover confronted FDR over his Vice President’s pro-communist sympathies, and ideas not in America’s best interest and threatened to expose Wallace and FDRs own dalliances and forced him to pick another Vice President in 1943. Of course FDR did pick Harry Truman and America barely escaped a Wallace presidency when FDR died April 12, 1945.

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